Connecting Courtenay - Public input wanted on prioritizing transportation investments

June 7, 2018

Informed by nearly 1,000 Courtenay residents and detailed technical analysis, the City of Courtenay and project consultants at Urban Systems have made progress on the development of the “Connecting Courtenay” Transportation Master Plan. The next phase of public engagement in June will seek feedback on the proposed long-term plans.

When complete, “Connecting Courtenay” will include long-term plans for all modes of transportation over the next 20 years, as well as five and 10 year investment strategies.

The first phase of consultation in March 2018 focused on capturing transportation issues and challenges faced by citizens and asked for their “Bold Vision” for transportation in Courtenay.  Since March, the project team has developed long-term plans for each mode of transportation, based on technical analysis and informed by the issues, challenges, and big ideas from stakeholders and the public.

The City of Courtenay will be hosting an open house for the public to review the proposed long term plans for each mode of transportation and provide feedback on the prioritizing of the plans.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Florence Filberg Centre – Conference Hall

A new online survey will also launch after the open house to collect feedback from the public on the long-term plans for each mode and the development of priorities.

Courtenay has more than doubled in size over the past 25 years, and as cities grow and change, so do their transportation needs.  A transportation network includes all the ways that people, goods, and services move.  Growing communities with greater diversity demand more transportation choice and people of all ages and abilities need to be able to reach important destinations, by whichever mode they choose.  How people travel around their community, where they travel to and how long it takes, all contribute to how communities plan transportation infrastructure like roads, bike lanes, and sidewalks.

A final report will be presented to City Council later this summer.

Additional information can be found at: