Cycling Network Plan

Courtenay's Cycling Network Plan includes medium and long-term plans for cycling infrastructure over the next 20 years and beyond. The plan was first adopted by Courtenay Council in February 2019.

Revisions to the Cycling Network Plan were adopted in September 2019 based on public feedback received during the Connecting Courtenay: Transportation Master Plan public comment period to ensure alignment between the two documents.

In June of 2023, an updated report and implementation plan was presented to Council and adopted. This included updated cross-sections for the construction of new protected bike lanes, painted bike lanes, neighbourhood bikeways, and multi-use pathways.

The City’s Connecting Courtenay Cycling Network Plan (CNP) is guided by the Official Community Plan (OCP), the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) and Council’s strategic priorities. Active transportation projects are implemented through internal capital projects, new development and external third parties including the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) and BC Transit.

Cycling Network Plan - Updated September 2019 [PDF - 3 MB]

5-Year Capital Program

The 2023 5-year capital program will enable network spines for active transportation that connect key destinations and focus on safety and comfort for all ages and abilities towards achieving the OCP’s objective for 30% of trips in the City to be made by walking, cycling and transit by 2030.

Cycling Network Maps

2023 Cycling Network Plan Maps approved by Council on June 14, 2023.

Projects and costs presented in the Cycling Network Plan do not represent a financial plan, and are for future consideration only. Future transportation projects and initiatives will be determined through the City of Courtenay's annual budget processes.