Water Restrictions

The City of Courtenay is part of the Comox Valley Water System, which is operated by the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD).

Stage 2 water restrictions are currently in effect. 

For full information on water restrictions, go to: www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/restrictions

Stage 1 Restrictions:

A person may only use a sprinkler to water a lawn or garden growing on a property with:

  • An even numbered address – Between the hours of 5 am to 8 am and 7 pm to 10 pm on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. They may not use a sprinkler to water the lawn or garden on any other day or time.
  •  An odd numbered address – Between the hours of 5 am to 8 am and 7 pm to 10 pm on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. They may not use a sprinkler to water the lawn or garden on any other day or time.
  • Local governments may use a sprinkler to water parks, ornamental lawns and grassed boulevards between the hours of 11 pm and 7 am on even numbered days for even numbered addresses and odd numbered days for odd numbered addresses.​

Stage 2 Restrictions

A person may only use a sprinkler to water a lawn and garden growing on a property with:

  • An even numbered address – On Tuesday and Saturday between the hours of 6 am - 8 am and 8 pm - 10 pm. They may not use a sprinkler to water the lawn or garden on any other day or time
  • An odd numbered address – On Wednesday and Sunday between the hours of 6 am - 8 am and 8 pm -10 pm. They may not use a sprinkler to water the lawn or garden on any other day or time.
  • Local government may use a sprinkler to water parks, ornamental lawns and grassed boulevards between the hours of 11 pm and 7 am on even numbered days for even numbered addresses and odd numbered days for odd numbered addresses.

Stage 3 Water Restrictions


No person shall:

  • water a lawn or boulevard;
  • fill or add water to a swimming pool, hot tub or garden pond;
  • fill or add water to or operate a decorative fountain at any time; or
  • wash a vehicle or a boat with water.

Stage 4 Water Restrictions

During stage 4 water restrictions, all use of water for any purpose other than drinking, food preparation and personal hygiene is strictly prohibited.

  • Prohibited uses include:
    • Watering lawns, gardens, plants and trees in any manner or by any means, including watering by hand
    • Filling or topping off or operating residential or commercial pools, hot tubs, ponds or fountains
    • Operating local government outdoor water parks and pools
    • Washing vehicles, boats or outdoor surfaces
    • Irrigating golf courses and other public and/or school district property
  • Where reasonably possible, swimming pools, hot tubs, fountains and ponds should be drained for health and safety purposes and such water used for irrigation.
  • No new lawn permit shall be issued during Stage 4, and no new lawn permit, whenever issued, shall be valid during Stage 4.

Exceptions to Stage 4 Restrictions:

  • Spot cleaning of vehicles and boats with a sponge and bucket for health and safety reasons (windows, lights, license plates, etc.) is permitted.
  • Local government watermain and hydrant maintenance is permitted, but only for unscheduled safety or public health reasons.
  • Irrigating local government all-weather playing fields is permitted.
  • Water use is permitted for farm and agricultural operations, but only for livestock drinking purposes.
  • Cleaning outdoor surfaces is only authorized when required by law to comply with health or safety regulations, or to comply with an order of a regulatory authority having jurisdiction, such as WorkSafeBC or a public health inspector.
  • Water use is permitted for firefighting.

I live in a Strata complex. What is my watering day?

To determine your watering day, if each unit has its own irrigation system, use the unit number (odd vs even) to determine when to water. If the irrigation system is not separated by unit, it is the property address that will determine when the entire place can irrigate.