Temporary Traffic Impacts on 26th Street for Drainage Upgrades

October 24, 2019

Contractors working on behalf of the City of Courtenay will be working on a drainage improvement project on a strip of city-owned property off 26th Street, between Cliffe and Fitzgerald Avenues. Work will begin on Monday, October 28, continuing on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. until the end of November, weather permitting.

The project will include the installation of new catch basins and a shallow ditch, or drainage swale, on property behind 2401 Cliffe Avenue (Glacier View Plaza). The drainage swale will help divert and direct rain water to alleviate the potential for surface flooding, and will be connected to a stormwater main on 26th Street.

The project will begin at 26th Street and progress north along this undeveloped City property. Please be prepared for minor traffic delays in the area while the work zone is on or near 26th Street. Traffic control personnel will be on site to direct vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists.

The remainder of the work will be accessed from a closed parking area along the west property line of Glacier View Plaza. Access to the garbage enclosures and to the rear entry of the businesses in the plaza will be maintained throughout the project.

Schedules will be updated as work progresses. Please visit www.courtenay.ca/26thStreet2019  for up-to-date project information.