Courtenay Council Meeting Highlights for March 8

March 10, 2023

This update covers highlights from the March 8, 2023 Council meeting. If there’s something from the meeting that you’d like more detail on, the full agenda, video, and minutes (when available) of each meeting are posted on the City of Courtenay website at 

Council respectfully acknowledged that the lands on which this meeting was conducted are the Unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation.

Councillor Morin acknowledged March 8th as International Women's Day recognized globally to appreciate women's achievements and contributions, work towards gender equity, and eliminate stereotypes and discrimination. 

Councillor McCollum acknowledged March 26th as Purple Day, recognized globally to raise awareness of epilepsy, a condition that affects over 65 million people worldwide, without discrimination.

Councillor Hillian acknowledged March 21 as World Down Syndrome Day, a global event recognized by the UN to raise awareness and promote fair treatment for those with Down syndrome.


  • Island Health - Overdose Prevention Site with Inhalation Services

    Dr. Charmaine Enns, Medical Health Officer, North Island, and Lesley Howie, Director, North Island Mental Health & Substance Use Services updated Council on a planned Overdose Prevention Site with Inhalation Services.

    Island Health is actively engaged in the development of a fixed site in the Comox Valley for overdose prevention due to the overwhelming need. They have secured a commitment of funding and much work is being done on finding a suitable location.

Staff Reports

  • Advanced Budget Approval for Bylaw Enforcement Officer

    Council provided advanced budget approval to initiate recruitment activities to fill a new regular full time Bylaw Enforcement Officer position prior to the adoption of the 2023 financial plan in anticipation of increased service needs.

  • Public Notification Results for Liquor Licence Application (Ace Brewing Company Limited) – 150 Mansfield Drive (Structural Change and Change to Hours of Liquor Service)
    Council was presented with results of public notification including concerns from the public about the extension of hours requested in the application. Council approved sending a letter to the Liquor Control Regulations Board (LCRB) that the City of Courtenay has no objections to the application by Ace Brewing Company Limited for 1) a structural change and 2) change in hours to their liquor licence; and that all public comments be shared with the LCRB and encourage the LCRB to consult with the local community and work with the applicant to address public concerns, should the LCRB decide to approve the application.

  • Electric Vehicle Charging Station – Cost Recovery Model
    Council directed staff to establish a full cost-recovery flat-rate fee model for all City-owned electric vehicle charging stations.
    Three Level 2 EV charging stations were installed over the winter of 2022/2023., with dual port chargers located in the downtown core at 6th Street and England Avenue and at the Lewis Centre, and single port charger at City Hall. 

External Reports

Internal Reports

Council Reports

  • Members of Council are given the opportunity to talk about various meetings and events attended.

Council Resolutions

  • High Ground 2023 Columbia Institute Conference
    Council authorized Councillor Doug Hillian to attend the High Ground 2023 Columbia Institute conference March 24 - 25 and that the associated costs be covered through the Council budget.

Notice of Motion

This item will appear as a Council Resolution at a future meeting.


For Third Reading and Adoption

For Adoption

In Camera Resolution

Council close the meeting to the public pursuant to the following subsection of the Community Charter:

90 (1) (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; and

(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m., the next meeting is Wednesday, March 22, 2022 and will be available on the City of Courtenay’s YouTube Channel: