Courtenay Council Meeting Highlights for September 11
September 19, 2024
This update covers highlights from the September 11, 2024 Council meeting. If there’s something from the meeting that you’d like more detail on, the full agenda, video, and minutes (when available) of each meeting are posted on the City of Courtenay website at
Council respectfully acknowledged that the lands on which this meeting was conducted are the Unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation.
The Mayor, on behalf of Council, provided a statement to acknowledge solidarity with K’ómoks First Nation (KFN) in opposing a group that profits from making jokes about the mass murder of Indigenous women.
The Mayor also noted that September 9th is 'Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day,' encouraging efforts to raise awareness and support for individuals affected by the disorder.
For Adoption:
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3154 – Part 70 – Comprehensive Forty Three Zone (CD-43) (925 Braidwood Rd.)
Council approved the above application for a purpose-built shelter and supportive housing with community services in one area of the property and future non-market housing in a second area of the property.
Nicole Yang, Development Manager, from BC Housing was present to answer Council's questions about the project.
Staff Reports
Engagement Framework Update – Research and Engagement
The Engagement Framework focuses on fostering better interaction with residents and interest holders, ensuring their voices are integrated into the City’s decision-making processes.
Hilary Farson, Principal & Co-Founder of Spur Communication, provided an update on the Engagement Framework project.
Housing Needs Report
In 2023 the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) commissioned Turner Drake & Partners Ltd. (TDP) to produce an updated study that recognized changing housing market conditions, new Census and other data and impacts of new provincial housing requirements. City staff have been collaborating with TDP, the CVRD, the Town of Comox and the Village of Cumberland in order to efficiently and effectively undertake the project. This work has evolved to accommodate updates to provincial requirements and provide useful information for City policy and bylaw development.
Andrew Scanlan Dickie, representing Turner Drake & Partners, presented a summary of the Housing Needs Report commissioned by the CVRD. Council received the report.
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Housing Accelerator Fund Round 2 Application
Council approved the City’s Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) action plan that includes the proposed initiatives, generally outlined as follows along with additional required documentation to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation as the City’s application under the Housing Accelerator Fund Program (Round 2):
- Affordable Housing Reserve Policy Revisions and Incentive Program
- Affordable Housing Partnership Strategy and Land Acquisition and Disposition Assessment
- Development Application Streamlining Initiative
- Density Bonusing and As of Right Zoning for Increased Multi-Unit Residential Density in Growth Centres
- Missing Middle – Accessory Dwelling Unit and Plex Fast-Track
- Comprehensive Review of Fees and Charges to Incentivize Priority Housing
- Reduce Parking Requirements for Priority Housing; and
Council authorized the Chief Administrative Officer to enter into any contribution agreements or amending agreements that may be required should the City be approved for funding under the program.
Revitalization Tax Exemption Application No. 2301 for 397 5th Street
An application to consider the tax exemption as per Downtown Courtenay Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 2937 for the newly constructed “Palace Place”. Guy Champagne addressed Council on behalf of Endure Projects, the applicant.
Council directed staff to make amendments to Bylaw No.2937, and accepted the application in question as a retroactive permit. Council also directed staff to enter into a Revitalization Tax Exemption Agreement with Endure Projects and to include a review of "Downtown Courtenay Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 2937, 2018" as part of the Downtown Local Area Planning Process.
Non-Enforcement of “Sanitary Sewer Use, Extension and Connection Bylaw No. 1327” - Update
Council approved the Comox Valley Regional District's request to discharge excavation water into the City of Courtenay sanitary sewer system as part of the Courtenay Pump Station project up until December 15th, 2024 under the following conditions:
That the water quality parameters have been qualified through further testing or on-site pre-treatment process has been effectively deployed and the CVRD has provided documentation that all regulatory assurances have been met before discharging into the sanitary collection system; and
An Indemnification Agreement has been executed by both parties.
Comox Valley Substance Use Strategy Phase Three – Report Back
Betty Tate, Executive Director of the Comox Valley Social Planning Society, and Patti Alvarado, Executive Director of the Indigenous Women’s Sharing Society, provided an update on the work related to the Comox Valley Substance Use Strategy including the draft Community Substance Use Strategy Phase Three.
Council received the report and approved a 3-year ($15,000 per year) $45,000 grant to the Indigenous Women’s Sharing Society (IWSS), subject to execution of a Fee for Service Agreement, in order to support continued implementation of the strategy. Council also directed staff to send a letter to the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) supporting the transfer of unspent CVSUS funds to the IWSS for implementation of the strategy.
And the Mayor, on behalf of Council, send a letter to the Town of Comox, Village of Cumberland and the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) Electoral Areas Services Committee (EASC) requesting continued support for the Comox Valley Substance Use Strategy.
Let’s Play, Courtenay! Final Draft Park Playground Design Standards
Vanessa Walton, Landscape Architect Associate at Lanarc Consultants, provided a final update on the "Let’s Play, Courtenay! Park Playground Design Standards" project.
The playground standards provide guiding principles and best practices for improving Courtenay's park playgrounds, emphasizing diversifying play experiences and enhancing accessibility and inclusion. They are informed by the vision and goals of the Official Community Plan (OCP, 2022) and the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan (PRMP, 2019), in addition to feedback through community engagement.
Council directed staff to proceed with the implementation of the Let’s Play, Courtenay! Park Playground Design Standards.
Internal Reports
Management Reports
Council received management reports from Development Services, Operational Services, Financial Services, and the Fire Department.
Council Reports
Members of Council are given the opportunity to describe various meetings and events they have attended. See attachments in the agenda with submitted written reports.
In Camera Resolution
Council closed the meeting to the public for private discussions pursuant to the Community Charter subsections 90 1 (c) and (e).
Mayor Wells terminated the open portion of the meeting at 8:21 p.m. Following the conclusion of the in-camera portion of the meeting, Mayor Wells terminated the meeting at 9:17 p.m. The next meeting is Wednesday, September 25 and will be available on the City of Courtenay’s website at