Current Development Applications

A Map with information on active development applications is coming soon!

More information on development applications for which a Public Notice is required are below:

File No: DVP00046

1640 12th Street East

  • Council will consider Development Variance Permit No. 2304, at the July 31, 2024 regular Council meeting at 4pm, to vary a serback to a watercourse to facilitate the lawful permitting of a deck.
  • Mailout Notice - DVP2304.pdf [PDF - 749 KB]


File No: DVP00052

558 England Ave

  • Council will consider Development Variance Permit No. 2402, at the July 17, 2024 regular Council meeting at 4pm, to vary parcel area size to facilitate lot line adjustment for existing parcel to relieve encroachment.

File No: DVP00041

4883 Island Hwy N

  • Council will consider Development Variance Permit No. 2207, at the July 17, 2024 regular Council meeting at 4pm, to allow variance for the maximum allawable sign area for a building face.





File No: OCP00018

Bylaw Number: 3141

11th Street Terminus at the Courtenay River

  • The City of Courtenay is proposing to amend its Official Community Plan (OCP) to designate municipally owned land as Urban Corridor. A public hearing will be held Wednesday June 19, 2024 at 4:00 pm.


File No: 3090-20-2306/DVP00048

Development Variance Permit No: 2306

1580 Fitzgerald Avenue