Anderton Wall



Last Updated: August 23, 2024

Project Description:

The Anderton Avenue Retaining Wall is showing signs of movement and is at risk of partial or total failure. The wall is located along the Courtenay River, parallel to the 400-block of Anderton Avenue. The wall is made up of a 50 m sheet pile section, and a 210 m long precast concrete section – the area behind the sheet pile section is at greatest risk.

July 2024 Update

The City has acquired the Anderton Arms Apartment Building, located at 426 Anderton Avenue, to address the safety risk.The design and location of the Anderton Arms Apartment Building make it vulnerable to movement of the retaining wall. The Anderton Arms Apartment Building is showing several signs of structural distress that indicate it is already shifting toward the river.

Tenants will be required to relocate, and the City will offer support to help tenants find housing. The Anderton Arms Apartment Building will be demolished once it is vacant.

  • Tenants of Anderton Arms have been updated directly. They have been given at least four months’ notice to relocate, in accordance with the Residential Tenancy Act.

  • The City has offered tenants compensation aligned with the best practices of other municipalities in BC, which exceed the minimum requirements. The amount of compensation offered is calculated based on the length of their tenancy at the Anderton Arms, plus moving costs.  

  • The City has retained the M’akola Housing Society to help tenants to explore their housing options, and coordinate their move. M’akola will work directly with tenants to offer customized support.

  • Monitoring of the Anderton Avenue Retaining Wall, and the Anderton Arms Apartment Building will continue. If signs of imminent failure are detected, tenants will be immediately evacuated.   

The City intends to expropriate the former Cona Hostel located at 440 Anderton Avenue as both buildings are compromised by the sheet-pile section of wall.


The City of Courtenay has been monitoring the sheet pile section of the Anderton Avenue Retaining Wall quarterly since 2016, when repairs were made to address settlement of the structure. Monitoring has detected movements of the wall, and the repairs are nearing the end of their service life. There is an elevated risk of partial or total failure, that may occur suddenly in the event of a flood or seismic event.

In December 2023, the City notified residents and the community about the Risk of Failure for the sheet pile section of the Anderton Wall. Properties most impacted include the former Cona Hostel (440 Anderton Ave) and the Anderton Arms Apartment Building (426 Anderton Ave).

The risk of failure is much lower behind the concrete section of the Anderton Avenue Retaining Wall. Impacts to Riverside Park, the Riverside Fit Park, and the Anderton Sanitary Lift Station are not expected.

Anderton Avenue Retaining Wall - Frequently Asked Questions

Project Status:
